Tg.Mures, Romania
Ionel Pascu
When you think of a bachelor’s apartment in immaculate white with black accents, the first reference that comes to mind is Patrick Bateman’s apartment with Mies Van der Rohe’s Barcelona armchairs. Besides the theatrical aspects of the film, this style is addressed to analytical people, who like to live in an orderly, airy environment without any distractions, according to the “less is more” principle.
The arrangement has an assumed egocentric character, not wanting to address the usual comfort idea of the public, or the classic feeling of “home”. Each piece of furniture is calculated strictly for the needs and comfort of the beneficiary. The decorative elements are almost non-existent and consist of simple, repetitive geometries that generate a graphic texture.
Cand te gandesti la apartamentul unui burlac dintr-un alb imaculat cu accente de negru, printre primele referinte care iti vin in minte este locuinta lui Patrick Bateman cu fotoliile Barcelona ale lui Mies Van der Rohe. Pe langa aspectele teatrale din film, acest stil se adreseaza unor persoane calculate, carora le place sa traiasca intr-un mediu ordonat, aerisit fara niciun fel de distrageri, dupa principiul “less is more”.
Amenajarea are un caracter egocentric asumat, nedorind sa se adreseze ideii de confort general al publicului, sau al sentimentului clasic de “acasa”. Fiecare piesa de mobilier are o proportie calculata strict pentru necesitatile si confortul beneficiarului. Elementele decorative sunt aproape inexistente si constau in geometrii simple, repetitive care genereaza o textura grafica.