Bucharest, Romania
Colaboration with:
Square One
Saatchi & Saatchi, AstraZeneca
Ionel Pascu, Adrian Cancer-Zeana
The design brief from the Saatchi agency consisted of two pavilions with the possibility of their reuse in other exhibitions.
Considering that, we thought of a system inspired by LEGO games, which start from a few parts and give you the possibility to get through diverse volumetric forms. Thus, we designed a model of plastic board boxes with a click-clack clip system and a limited number of shapes, depending on the area where they would be used. The LED strips were mounted on the box edges due to the inner structure and helped the openings to be noticeable. Modularity was ideal for space occupancy during their storage.
Each pavilion had a theme based on the product presented, one dedicated to depression and the other to bipolar disease. Depression was represented by a picture broken and recomposed in parts with different thicknesses, like feelings torn into pieces, and bipolarity was abstracted into a picture made up of triangles extruded horizontally, which, depending on the angle of view, can be perceived as clear or blurry vision like the condition itself.
The pavilions were reused at 5 other following events and were configured into different mass objects.
Tema de proiectare din partea agentiei Saatchi a constat in a concepe doua pavilioane cat mai relaxante si cu posibilitatea refolosirii lor in alte expozitii.
Pornind de la acestea, ne-am gandit la un sistem asemanator cu jocurile LEGO, in care pornesti de la cateva tipuri de piese si prin asamblarea lor obtii volumetrii diverse. Astfel, am conceput un model de casete din forex cu un sistem de prindere click-clack, avand un numar limitat de forme, in functie de zona unde urmau a fi folosite. Structura interioara a permis amplasarea benzilor LED pe cantul cutiilor, in deschideri. Modularitatea a reprezentat un avantaj si pentru spatiul de ocupare in perioada lor de depozitare.
Fiecare pavilion a avut o tematica in functie de produsul prezentat, unul dedicat depresiei iar celalalt persoanelor bipolare. Depresia a fost reprezentata printr-o imagine sparta si recompusa din piese cu grosimi diferite, asemeni sentimentului de rupt in bucati, iar bipolaritatea am abstractizat-o printr-o imagine formata din triunghiuri extrudate pe orizontala care, in functie de unghiul de vizualizare, poate fi mai clara sau incetosata asemeni problemei in cauza.
Pavilioanele au fost refolosite in alte 5 evenimente urmatoare, unde s-au configurat in volumetrii diferite.