Bucharest, Romania
Colaboration with:
Square One
OMV Petrom
Ionel Pascu, Adrian Cancer-Zeana, Robert Marin, Sabin Dumitriu, Mihai Bugu, Mihnea Vieru
Petrom is a member of the OMV Group, the largest company in Romania. It took on a 130 mil euro endeavor of creating the most advanced office building in South-Eastern Europe.
In the fall of 2009, Square ONE won the competition for the design and execution of the environmental branding of Petrom City. The team had to envisage an orientation system and interior design solutions for over 100.000 SQM of build surface and 8000 SQM of landscaping for exterior facilities.
The environmental branding was a generic theme for all designed elements that form the interface between employees and their individual work space. This complex system included a large variety of custom made furniture in order to define areas such as reception desks, the atrium, the orientation system, formal and informal meeting areas.
The landscaping assignment involved designing the plaza, situated in the free area in between the Petrom City buildings.
Firma Petrom face parte din OMV Group, cea mai mare companie din Romania.
Investitia de 130 mil euro pentru realizarea sediului a creat cea mai avansata cladire de birouri din Sud-Estul Europei. La sfarsitul anului 2009, Square One a castigat competitia de design si executie pentru noul branding de mediu Petrom City. Echipa a trebuit sa prevada o solutie de amenajare interioara, impreuna cu un sistem de orientare pentru mai mult de 100.000 m2 de suprafata construita si 8000 m2de amenajare peisagera.
Tranzitia brandului in mediul de lucru a fost o tema generala care a stat la baza proiectarii fiecarui element de mobilier prin intermediul caruia angajatii isi desfasoara activitatea. Acest sistem complex este format dintr-o varietate de obiecte de mobilier facute la comanda pentru a defini diverse spatii, cum ar fi: receptii, atrium, sistem de orientare, spatii de intalnire formale si informale.
Amenajarea peisagera a constat in proiectarea unui punct de intalnire, asemeni unei piatete, situat in spatiul liber dintre cladirile de birouri Petrom City.